Why nursing matters to me — my reason to believe

Patrice McDonald is the nurse supervisor for The Center for Respite Care.
I am a nurse. I have spent the last 15 years caring for people who are experiencing homelessness, have been released from the hospital, and have no place else to go. These are individuals who have often lost contact with their families, their jobs, and ultimately — their homes. The Center for Respite Care is the only organization in the county that supports this sector of our population.
The winter is the most challenging season for our clients-patients.
The Center becomes people’s home for about 30 days to (at times) much longer. We provide a sanctuary. My work is a calling.
People who experience homelessness have a high rate of unresolved health conditions and complications, repeat emergency room visits and extended hospital stays due to improper healing. Substandard living conditions, inadequate nutrition, extreme weather, and very limited access to healthcare inevitably lead to serious health conditions.
After a stay in the hospital, extended recovery is generally needed. Area shelters and homeless treatment programs are usually unable to accommodate the follow-up care that ensures someone’s true recovery.
Being sick is unnerving — in the best of circumstances. Being released from the hospital often presents challenges. This is the juncture in which my team and I step in. The profession of nursing is experiencing a shortage of workers and working through the pandemic was a challenge to anyone who performs medical work. It was during this time that I witnessed the dedication and passion of my co-workers.
Those of us who nurse — rise to the day — to care for people who are often overlooked.
My day is committed to admitting people to the Center, bridging the time between hospitalization and wellness. This includes working with community partners — the Free Store Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul, and most recently Hospice. Our relationship with Hospice resulted in our connecting a client with their family who will now spend their final days with loved ones.
It is in these meaningful moments — that I know that we have made a difference.
The Center’s clients have access to 24/7 extended care in our 20-bed facility following surgeries and other major medical procedures. Our medical staff addresses their pressing needs, including medical evaluations, limited lab tests, medication administration, nursing care, and the coordination of medical, substance abuse, and mental health services.
In addition to addressing the medical needs of our clients, they are provided with bedroom amenities, showers, laundry facilities, and transportation to outside appointments. Most importantly, there is an ongoing educational dimension to their stay. The goal is to help each client learn about their acute and often chronic medical issues, and how to treat and manage them effectively. This includes understanding symptoms, medications, and the importance of regular and consistent communication with their healthcare providers.
Individual’s stay at the Center includes time with our social workers/case managers, healthy food, daily activities, and planning for their future. Our clients range the spectrum and include slightly more men than women, old, young, black, white, and brown. They interact with one another, community volunteers, and our medical workers.
Our goal is to ensure that when people leave the Center they have stable housing, a solid medical plan, and often — a job. This means dignity.
For every challenging story — many lift our hearts — and make us believe in the good of humanity. I applaud nurses everywhere, our community partners, co-workers, and clients — who give us each so many reasons to believe. We are blessed to do this work.