Some notable folks and events in 2024 — onto 2025!
We ended 2023 and celebrated 20 years of service as we entered 2024. 2024 has been a productive and positive year. Our existence relies upon the hearts and gifts of donors, foundations, and government. We are grateful to each of you who support our work. Following are some highlights from this year.

To Liz Bonis:
Liz (Channel 12’s health reporter) has been one of our most ardent allies. She deeply understands the population for whom we serve. As such — we are fortunate to be guests on her show and recently appeared to promote our Annual Appeal and holiday concert. https://local12.com/health/whats-happening-in-health/whats-happening-in-health-december-8-2024-whatshappeninginhealth-wkrc-liz-bonis-medical-show-medicine-doctor-treatment-cincinnati# The interview begins around 36.7m.
To Michael Chertock:
On December 10th, Michael held his annual holiday show that promoted and raised money for the Center. For ten years — Michael and his family have supported the Center through these beautiful efforts. We extend our appreciation to the congregation of Sycamore Presbyterian Church for their wonderful hospitality in again hosting the event.
To our CEO:
Laurel Nelson, our CEO, has become a force on the national agenda as she is the Chair of the Steering Committee for National Respite Care Providers. Laurel’s work leads others, and — at the same time — we learn firsthand of best practices across the country.
The Center for Respite Care works with organizations like ours nationwide. Together, we learn best practices, share stories, and offer solutions. Laurel has a long history of serving our region’s most vulnerable.
To Our Annual Transformation Award honorees:
We have honored a slate of our region’s critical leaders and pacesetters. 2024 offered our community a group of the finest.
The event was emceed by Channel 12’s health expert Liz Bonis. The Center is pleased to also have had event participation from Channel 12’s Sheila Gray and Bob Herzog.
The Respite Care Providers’ Network (RCPN) is the preeminent national voice for those who are simply too ill to recover in the streets. They support the development of new and existing medical respite care programs through education, client advocacy, networking, and research. They have also been a key partner to the Center.
Cincinnati mourns the recent passing of Channel 12’s John Lomax, and the Center was honored to award him posthumously. At the same time, the Center paid tribute to Channel 12, who has been a long-time partner and leader in the community.
Over the Rhine Community Housing (OTRCH) is a non-profit community development organization that provides a wide spectrum of affordable and supportive housing options with life-changing programs that help low-income residents in Over-the-Rhine succeed. For over four decades, OTRCH has never wavered from its commitment to:
- Build a sustainable, diverse neighborhood that values and benefits low-income residents.
- Create an inclusive community in this evolving historic district.
- Advocate on behalf of its residents.
Lead volunteer Mary Sheldon is a long-time Center volunteer supporting our residents in many capacities. She is integral in coordinating volunteer-provided meals with several volunteer groups and conducting regular client activities like Bingo and Movie Night! Mary is a leading community volunteer, and this includes her relationship with Hyde Park Community UMC, serving as a liaison on the Center’s behalf with the church.
The Center’s relationship with the congregation goes back to the Center’s founding. The church’s mission is to share the love of Jesus to transform lives, Cincinnati, and the world.
Lead volunteer Sister Therese DelGenio is a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Sister’s activities on behalf of our clients include being a pastoral presence and listening ear, assisting clients with paperwork and personal filing, and initiating creative projects reflective of the calendar and holiday seasons.
Since the early nineteenth century, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur have been on the move. They live and work among people of different cultures on five continents, in places as varied as Liverpool and Lima, Belmont and Boston, Hiroshima and Harare. What an experience of the many facets of God’s goodness and boundless creativity! Sr. Therese brings that same energy to the Center weekly!
And it all speaks to who we are:
While Hamilton County offers a host of providers and services for people experiencing homelessness, the Center is the only organization that cares for this population once they have been released from area hospitals. Hospitals only permit individuals to stay with them until they are “well” enough to be released. For people without permanent homes, this presents a challenge. The Center offers a healing environment and a team to assist with the transition to healthier living.
As you make your year-end gifts, please consider one to the Center by visiting our web site – www.centerforrespitecare.org.
Have a warm holiday season, and we look forward to a productive 2025.