Making a Referral
If you have any questions regarding your referral, please contact us at (513) 621-1868.
Admission Guidelines
Client must…
- Be experiencing homelessness
- Have an acute diagnosis or exacerbation of a chronic diagnosis
- Be ambulatory and able to navigate 3 flights of steps
- Be Independent in ADL’s
- Be continent (or able to manage their incontinence)
- Be 18 years or older
- Not be a registered sex offender
Documentation Needed for Referral
Please fax the following information to (513) 621-1872, along with a cover sheet with the location of the referring hospital and the name and number of who best to contact.
- Face Sheet with demographics
- History & Physical
- MD Progress Notes
- Current Medication List
- Recent Labs
- Chest X-Ray (if they have one)
- Signed Participation Requirements (see below)
- PT/OT Report (if applicable)
- Mental Health Evaluation (if applicable)
- List of All Medications & Needed Supplies
If you are referring from an ER or from an outpatient facility, please make sure the participant has:
- Seven days’ supply of all medication and needed supplies
- The ability to have prescriptions written for medications OR contact information for a provider who can write prescriptions for them
Client Requirements Download
- CRC Client Requirements English
- CRC Client Requirements English Larger Text (LT)
- CRC Client Requirements Spanish
- CRC Client Requirements Spanish LT
- CRC Client Requirements French
- CRC Client Requirements French LT