The People Who Transform Our Community We are very excited to announce TRANSFORMATION AWARDS 2022 — a VIRTUAL event that premiers on September 15 at 7:00 PM. Please join us by watching this event that can be viewed from the safety and comfort of your home. We...
Aging for People Experiencing Homelessness Life on the streets is difficult. The overall health and life span of individuals experiencing homelessness clearly reflects the depth of the challenges and trauma. Not only is it tough on the psyche, the feet, and the...
Thank you, Hamilton County! The Center for Respite Care exists due to the generosity of individuals, foundations, state and local grants–and Hamilton County. That means taxpayers. The Center cares for people experiencing homelessness who do not have a place to...
Demonstrate mercy and compassion for all. The title for this blog is taken from the Center for Respite Care’s core values. The people who work at the Center are passionate that our clients receive stellar medical and case management services. This is all in an effort...
Our Annual Campaign and Why It Matters Our annual campaign started on November 1, 2021 and continues until March 31, 2022. We do accept contributions year- round; but place a special emphasis on donations this time of the year. We conduct our campaign this annually to...
Thanks, Jack, for Being on Our Team It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Jack Stern, FC Cincinnati goalkeeper coach. For the past four years Jack has been our honorary spokesman for our annual campaign. Our PSA’s are running now thanks to Channel 12 WKRC...