The Center's Words

The people we serve

by | Mar 14, 2025 | The Center’s Words

Many agencies in Hamilton County confront potential funding losses. We, at the Center, are committed to continuing to care for the population who relies upon us. These are people experiencing homelessness who are ill without a place to rest and recover.

We recently talked with Charles and asked that he tell his story. For privacy reasons, we are keeping his full name confidential.

Charles came to us from another area organization — who was unable to treat his illness.

“If it had not been for those people —but more particularly the Center —I don’t think I’d be here today,” he said.

Charles has been in residence at The Center for Respite Care since June 2024. Like many, he confronted life challenges and then became severely ill. This included four cardiovascular stents as well as chemo medication. Without a family to call upon and a place to call home — he has relied upon The Center.

The Center saves area hospitals as the cost to care for an individual at The Center is significantly lower per bed night than hospitalization. The Center (like many other area organizations) provides cost savings that benefit the community-at -large.

This is what is often called good public policy.

Charles explains, “I can say it was truly a godsend —I am so grateful that the Center for Respite Care exists, and the people here have treated me very well. It’s nice to have a bed to sleep in where you at least know you feel safe in your environment”

He has been cared for by professionals and surrounded by others in situations like his own.  Further, when asked about the possibility of social services being diminished — he pauses and explains the detriment that would mean to so many. Once released, he would like to return to the Center to work with clients and offer guidance.

He wants to give back.

 Charles explains that he appreciates that the Center assists clients with finding housing and setting them up with furniture and certain household items that one needs to move into a place to start over again.

He values the schedule that he keeps.

Mondays and Thursdays during the weekdays we have the mental health groups and those are some of the folks that come from Neighborhood Health.

 Every day we have breakfast in the morning, then there’s lunch, and then dinner later on in the afternoon, and there’s quite a bit of socializing. It is very, very helpful to have some people in similar situations such as mine to talk to. And of course, There’s a common area where there’s a TV and games.”

Importantly, he explains that he values the Center staff — and the commitment to the betterment and wellness of the clients. Thanks to our team for all that you do. The work that we do is about the clients and improving their lives. We couldn’t do it without you.

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The Center for Respite Care is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. View our 2022 IRS Form 990 – Public Disclosure.








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Center for Respite Care
1615 Republic Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

P.O. Box 141301
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250

(513) 621-1868

(513) 621-1872

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