The Center's Words

Be it homelessness in an instant or over time, it can happen to anyone.

by | Jan 15, 2025 | The Center’s Words

Recent weather events and natural disasters have shown us that we live in challenging times. In the past six months, we have witnessed severe climate catastrophes that have rendered people homeless—some of whom would never have anticipated this possibility. These have included hurricanes and fires in the United States and massive earthquakes abroad. While we continue to note an increase in the incidence of individuals who lose their housing, unexpected situations have had a bearing on many.

Circle of Healers
At the same time, the incidence of people who experience homelessness has continued to increase due to other factors. Simply put — more people are struggling.

Recent studies bear this out:

In 2024:

In January 2024, more than 770,000 people were experiencing homelessness in the USA, an 18.1% increase from 2023 and a record high.

In 2023:

In January 2023, 653,104 people were homeless, which was a 12.1% increase from the previous year.


The number of people who entered emergency shelters for the first time increased by more than 23%. Homelessness has been increasing due to several factors including a severe housing shortage, a lack of affordable housing, and more recently, natural disasters.

Local resources:

While Hamilton County offers a host of providers and services for people experiencing homelessness, the Center is the only organization that cares for people experiencing homelessness once they have been released from area hospitals. Hospitals only permit individuals to stay with them until they are “well” enough to be released. For people without permanent homes, this presents a daunting challenge. The Center offers a healing environment and a team to assist with the transition to healthier living and reconnection with the wider community. We are blessed to offer these services — that exist due to the support of many partners.

Ongoing relationships are what make it possible to provide the necessary care. These include:

  1. Area hospitals and other medical facilities
  2. The partnering organizations of Saint Anthony Center (collated with the Center at Liberty and Republic in Over-The-Rhine)
  3. Faith-based and civic organizations – providing ongoing financial and volunteer support
  4. The multiple community partners our case managers engage to provide wrap-around support to our clients – securing identification documentation, benefits, mental health, and addiction services, ongoing education and job training, job-related attire, housing opportunities, household furnishings, and supplies.
  5. The wonderful volunteers who provide meals, engagement activities, and a supportive presence to our clients.
  6. Individual donors and foundations that provide ongoing financial support.

The Center does not receive funds from the United Way or the Continuum of Care. Our funding is from foundation grants, government, and individual support. The challenges of 2025 are on the horizon. We continue our commitment to serving some of the most vulnerable in our community.

You make the mission happen! We are ever grateful for your financial support, volunteer time, and in-kind donations to the Center’s wish-list. Information regarding offering financial support and volunteer opportunities can be found on our website and by contacting us at

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The Center for Respite Care is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization. View our 2022 IRS Form 990 – Public Disclosure.








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Center for Respite Care
1615 Republic Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

P.O. Box 141301
Cincinnati, Ohio 45250

(513) 621-1868

(513) 621-1872

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