Volunteer Opportunities
The Center for Respite Care enjoys the support of volunteers in carrying out its mission. Because the Center is a medical facility, some volunteer opportunities aren’t feasible – volunteering in vary large groups or with young children, for example. Nevertheless, we do have volunteer opportunities that are quite helpful in enhancing the Center’s service to our clients.
Meal Program
Weekday meals are provided by the St. Francis Seraph Ministries’ Dining Room. However, volunteer-provided meals on weekdays are always enjoyed. Our greatest need is on the weekend. Through volunteer effort, the Center will provide our twenty clients each of the three meals on Saturday and Sunday, 312 meals a year.
The Center has a kitchenette, provided by a grant from Impact 100, stocked with dishware and serving utensils. Your group can plug in crock pots and warmers. Also, we can receive and store frozen meals that can be served when a volunteer group isn’t available. Volunteers can bring a meal to serve and a frozen entree – soups, stews, chili, etc. Or, frozen meals can be dropped off. Weekend breakfast will be continental. Cereal, juice, hardboiled eggs and other simple breakfast fare is most welcome. However, if you want to come and share a Sunday brunch, that would be great!

Wish List Drives
Pictured below are students from the University of Dayton who led a campus-wide drive for the Center’s wish list items—lounge wear, socks, shower shoes, new underclothes for women & men and toiletries. They visited late afternoon, took a tour and spent time with Dr. Bob Donovan learning about his practice and the history of the Center for Respite Care. We’re always happy to have guests visit. Feel free to give us a call anytime and come by for a tour of the new facility.

Client Activities
Like anyone else recovering from a stay in the hospital, as the Center’s clients get to feeling better, they look for something to occupy their time. With more space in the client common area at the new location, the Center offers more in the way of activities and programs for clients, both educational and recreational. Volunteers are at the heart of this effort!
Clients learn the basics of simple meal preparation through the learning kitchenette provided by a grant from Impact 100. A financial planner offers workshops on budgeting. Volunteers from the Cincinnati Zoo come monthly to make presentations. The public library also provides resources monthly– videos for Friday movie night and books on topics of interest. A generous donation provided three computers for the client learning center.
Every day, clients work with medical and case management staff to learn the tools that lead to self-sufficiency and instill hope. The support of volunteers enriches this effort. If you have an idea for an activity or program, we’d love to hear about it.

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